Genesis Hellas
Dolianis 11, Marousi, 15124
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Genesis Hellas's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.
Genesis Hellas
Dolianis 11, Marousi, 15124
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Get to know the charity Genesis Hellas
Who We Are
We are a non-profit organization (established in 2017) that provides free meals, supporting the homeless and the needy, while involving families in volunteer work.
Beneficiaries: 300 - 500
Homeless individuals, the needy, and families in distress.
How We Help
We cook nutritious food, reduce plastic waste, and encourage families to lend a helping hand.
Why We Need You
To sustain the meals and support for those in need.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink
Genesis Hellas
Dolianis 11, Marousi, 15124
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Get to know the charity Genesis Hellas
Who We Are
We are a non-profit organization (established in 2017) that provides free meals, supporting the homeless and the needy, while involving families in volunteer work.
Beneficiaries: 300 - 500
Homeless individuals, the needy, and families in distress.
How We Help
We cook nutritious food, reduce plastic waste, and encourage families to lend a helping hand.
Why We Need You
To sustain the meals and support for those in need.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Genesis Hellas's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.
Genesis Hellas
Dolianis 11, Marousi, 15124
Set donation amount:
Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink