Δημητρίου Μάργαρη 5Α, 11525, Αθήνα
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Medin's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.

Δημητρίου Μάργαρη 5Α, 11525, Αθήνα
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Get to know the charity Medin
Who We Are
We are an NGO that fights for the right to life and dignity, providing housing, food, and healthcare.
Beneficiaries: 1 - 50
Homeless individuals, the impoverished, and vulnerable groups.
How We Help
We offer shelter, nutrition, healthcare, and psychosocial support.
Why We Need You
To expand our assistance and give hope to people without a way out.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink

Δημητρίου Μάργαρη 5Α, 11525, Αθήνα
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Get to know the charity Medin
Who We Are
We are an NGO that fights for the right to life and dignity, providing housing, food, and healthcare.
Beneficiaries: 1 - 50
Homeless individuals, the impoverished, and vulnerable groups.
How We Help
We offer shelter, nutrition, healthcare, and psychosocial support.
Why We Need You
To expand our assistance and give hope to people without a way out.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Medin's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.

Δημητρίου Μάργαρη 5Α, 11525, Αθήνα
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Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink