Ιακωβάτων 50, 11144 Αθήνα
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Νοσηλεία's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.
Ιακωβάτων 50, 11144 Αθήνα
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Get to know the charity Νοσηλεία
Who We Are
We are a non-profit association (established in 2001) providing free home care and palliative care.
Beneficiaries: 100 - 200
Patients with serious health issues who are unable to move.
How We Help
We provide medical, nursing, and psychosocial support at home.
Why We Need You
To continue offering dignified care to patients and families.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink
Ιακωβάτων 50, 11144 Αθήνα
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Get to know the charity Νοσηλεία
Who We Are
We are a non-profit association (established in 2001) providing free home care and palliative care.
Beneficiaries: 100 - 200
Patients with serious health issues who are unable to move.
How We Help
We provide medical, nursing, and psychosocial support at home.
Why We Need You
To continue offering dignified care to patients and families.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Νοσηλεία's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.
Ιακωβάτων 50, 11144 Αθήνα
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Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink