Εταιρεία Προστασίας Σπαστικών - Πόρτα Ανοιχτή

Πόρτα Ανοιχτή

Μ. Γερουλάνου 117, ΤΚ 164 52 Αργυρούπολη

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Get to know Πόρτα Ανοιχτή

Who We Are

We are a charitable organization (1972) that offers education, rehabilitation, and housing for individuals with cerebral palsy.

Lives Supported: 200 - 300

Children, youth, and adults with cerebral palsy.

How We Help

We provide education, therapy, creative activities, and housing.

Why Your Help is Needed

To continue opening doors to a world without exclusions.

Up to Now


*Includes donations only via Givelink

Πόρτα Ανοιχτή's Needs

This list has been created by the nonprofit.

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Πόρτα Ανοιχτή

Μ. Γερουλάνου 117, ΤΚ 164 52 Αργυρούπολη

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Recent Deliveries

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