Πόρτα Ανοιχτή
Μ. Γερουλάνου 117, ΤΚ 164 52 Αργυρούπολη
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Coverage:
Πόρτα Ανοιχτή's Needs
This list has been created by the nonprofit.

Πόρτα Ανοιχτή
Μ. Γερουλάνου 117, ΤΚ 164 52 Αργυρούπολη
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Get to know Πόρτα Ανοιχτή
Who We Are
We are a charitable organization (1972) that offers education, rehabilitation, and housing for individuals with cerebral palsy.
Lives Supported: 200 - 300
Children, youth, and adults with cerebral palsy.
How We Help
We provide education, therapy, creative activities, and housing.
Why Your Help is Needed
To continue opening doors to a world without exclusions.
Up to Now
*Includes donations only via Givelink
Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink

Πόρτα Ανοιχτή
Μ. Γερουλάνου 117, ΤΚ 164 52 Αργυρούπολη
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Coverage:
Get to know Πόρτα Ανοιχτή
Who We Are
We are a charitable organization (1972) that offers education, rehabilitation, and housing for individuals with cerebral palsy.
Lives Supported: 200 - 300
Children, youth, and adults with cerebral palsy.
How We Help
We provide education, therapy, creative activities, and housing.
Why Your Help is Needed
To continue opening doors to a world without exclusions.
Up to Now
*Includes donations only via Givelink
Πόρτα Ανοιχτή's Needs
This list has been created by the nonprofit.

Πόρτα Ανοιχτή
Μ. Γερουλάνου 117, ΤΚ 164 52 Αργυρούπολη
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Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink