Humanity Greece
Μυλλέρου 76, Αθήνα 10436
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Humanity Greece's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.
Humanity Greece
Μυλλέρου 76, Αθήνα 10436
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Get to know the charity Humanity Greece
Who We Are
We started in 2021 as a team of volunteers, supporting those affected by disasters and vulnerable families.
Beneficiaries: 1000+
Families, victims of natural disasters, vulnerable groups.
How We Help
We provide support packages, essential items, and collaborate with authorities during crises.
Why We Need You
To maintain immediate relief for those impacted.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink
Humanity Greece
Μυλλέρου 76, Αθήνα 10436
This percentage displays the amount of donations according to the charity's needs.
Needs Fullness:
Get to know the charity Humanity Greece
Who We Are
We started in 2021 as a team of volunteers, supporting those affected by disasters and vulnerable families.
Beneficiaries: 1000+
Families, victims of natural disasters, vulnerable groups.
How We Help
We provide support packages, essential items, and collaborate with authorities during crises.
Why We Need You
To maintain immediate relief for those impacted.
Until Today
*Donations counted exclusively through Givelink
Humanity Greece's Needs
This list has been specified by the charity.
Humanity Greece
Μυλλέρου 76, Αθήνα 10436
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Recent Deliveries
Photos of the most recent donation deliveries through Givelink